Thursday, December 28, 2017



D. R. Khashaba

Neurologists are under a very serious illusion. They think that neurology studies the mind or at any rate can lead them to understanding the mind. The mind cannot be the object of any science for the very simple reason that the essence of the mind is subjectivity while the first principle of science is objectivity. Not even philosophers can study the mind. This sounds like a paradox but when we consider it more closely it appear more like a truism. Philosophers study the works of the mind and the workings of the mind. But the mind is the active principle behind all that which is an ultimate mystery like the mystery of Being (i.e., ultimate Reality). When I think, when I am moved emotionally, when I experience joy or grief, I am conscious of the works and the workings of my mind but my mind itself is a principle above and beyond all that.

A while ago I likened the mystery of the mind to the mystery of Being, but there is something wrong with that statement. I would rather say that the mystery of the mind and the mystery of Being are not two but one. Being, Mind, Life are, like the Trinity of Christian theology, one in three and three in one. Indeed the Christian Trinity could be seen as a fine allegory of ultimate Reality that has been spoilt by the gross interpretations of clever but narrow and shallow intellects.

Incidentally, psychologists in thinking that their branch of study is enhanced by adopting the methods and techniques and, more seriously, the approach of science, are deluded. The more of a science psychology becomes the farther it is removed from the living reality of the psuchĂȘ (psyche) and the more raducakky ut is denied insight into the inner reality of a human being.

D. R. Khashaba

December 28, 2017

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