Thursday, October 01, 2015



My Plato: An Interpretation was published in 2005. Some five years later, while translating the book into Arabic, I found a number of errors. These were mostly minor typos, but there were also a couple of words that I wanted to alter and a couple of sentences that had to be reconstructed. I arranged with the publisher,, to produce a corrected version. This was I think in 2011. It occurred to me to post here the list of corrections as submitted to Virtualbookworm, in case any reader who has a copy of the uncorrected version may care to print out these corrections and pin them to the book. I would deem that a favour.

Page Para Line Present text Replace with

2 2 5 own garden. and offer own garden, and offer

2 4 last line consequence consequences.

2 5 7 intesity intensity

8 3 10 of Plato’a theory of Plato’s theory

11 2 4 in the Republic says in the Republic says

26 1 3 Ethics with his eight Ethics with his eight

27 3 11 phronêis phronêsis

27 4 4 phronêis phronêsis

29 3 17 (245e). (246a).

36 3 2 (choris men) (chôris men)

36 3 3 (choris de) (chôris de)

47 last line on page are not agred upon are not agreed upon

59 1 8 (29c-30a.) (29d-30a.)

66 2 2 but it does not give us but this does not give us

68 3 8 and readily agrees and he readily agrees

90 last 6 To lead people to care For people to care

119 1 2 neither adds nor neither adds to nor

135 2 8 comes Socrates warning comes Socrates’ warning

139 5 4 sense of proof. sense of proof

140 2 16 poteron on ê ouk on? poteron on ê ouk on;

141 1 5 poteron on ê ouk on? poteron on ê ouk on;

145 2 3 the greatest of studies the greatest of studies?

147 4 1 What gives truth to What gives reality to

164 2 18 anagkê toutous allelôn anagkê toutous allêlôn

191 2 7 (47a-e). (472a-e).

210 2 8-11

Present text : but since we say that reality and knowledge are a unity, we find one section also representing the lowest degree of knowing which we may call belief or opinion, and the other section the relatively higher degree of knowledge of things perceptible.

Replace with : but since we say that reality and knowledge are a unity, we find one section also representing the lowest degree of knowing, and the other section the relatively higher degree of knowledge of things perceptible which we may call belief or opinion.

228 last 1 imitator of imitators imitator of imitations

241 2 1 kai apodexesthai logon kai apodexasthai logon

251 1 3 Thales to Plato, 1914 Thales to Plato, 1914

308 1 7

Present text : dimension of reality, of the ultimate creative intelligence

Replace with : dimension of reality, these being two dimensions of the ultimate creative intelligence

312 6 9 and ship-buiding and ship-building

Explanatory remarks (corrections that could easily be missed):

2 2 5 Dot after garden to be replaced with comma.

2 4 last line Dot to be inserted at end of sentence.

2 5 7 Missed ‘n’ to be inserted.

8 3 10 ‘a’ to be replaced with ‘s’.

11 2 4 Italicize Republic.

26 1 3 Italicize Ethics [title of book].

27 3 11 Insert missing ‘s’.

27 4 4 Insert missing ‘s’.

36 3 2 ‘o’ to be replaced with ‘ô’.

36 3 3 ‘o’ to be replaced with ‘ô’.

47 last line on page Missing ‘e’ to be inserted.

135 2 8 Insert apostrophe after ‘Socrates’.

139 5 4 Delete dot after ‘proof’, sentence continues.

140 2 16 Replace ‘?’ with ‘;’, the Greek question mark.

141 1 5 Replace ‘?’ with ‘;’, the Greek question mark.

145 2 3 Insert question mark.

164 2 18 Replace ‘e’ with ‘ê’ in the word allêlôn.

210 2 8-11 The words ‘which we may call belief or opinion’ to be moved to end of sentence.

241 2 1 Replace ‘e’ with ‘a’ in the word apodexasthai.

251 1 3 Italicize Plato, being part of title of book.

308 1 7 Insert the words ‘these being two dimensions’.

312 6 9 Insert missing ‘l’ in the word ‘building’.


Subsequently I found that I had missed one typo: on page 196, para. 1, l. 7, the word eporexesthai appears with an extra h in the final syllable.


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